Falling Behind (Falling Series) Read online

Page 9

  “Geez, Reese, watch it.”

  “Sorry!” I called as I rapped on Mr. Gustin’s door.

  He opened it with a puzzled look on his face. “Reese?”

  “Mr. Gustin sorry to barge in,” I paused and he cut me off.

  “You didn’t barge.” He chuckled, his chest rising and falling with the sound. “You knocked. Come in; do you need something?”

  “Yeah.” I stepped into his office and he shut the door behind me, saving me from a confrontation with Josh. “I needed to hide and Mr. Wait suggested I come in here and then head to his room when the coast was clear.” I smacked my head. That was stupid. “Actually, I need to talk to you about Candice and Alex.”

  The smile on his face told me he didn’t believe I came in to talk about them and that my first response was more likely the truth. Thankfully, he played along. “Okay? I’m not sure what I can help you with. I only know what Candice’s father told me and I am not able to share that information.”

  I shook my head rapidly. “Oh no, no. That’s not what I meant, at all. You see I was the one to inform Mr. Warner about the abuse.” I stopped to see if that was news or if he already knew. He nodded as if he knew, so I continued. “Candice is mad at me,—actually not talking to me. At all. But I need to know that you’re doing everything in your power to keep him from approaching her or hurting her during school hours. I just worry about her and I can’t ask her about it.”

  “I’m not sure I can disclose what we are doing. But rest assured, Reese, we are taking measures to keep her safe.”

  “Okay, then. That’s all I need to know. Thank you, Mr. Gustin.”

  With sad eyes, he offered me a sad smile. “You’re very welcome. And I think the coast is clear. Josh walked out the front door, just now. If you head out the library you can be in Mr. Wait’s class before he rounds the corner.”

  “Thank you.” I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I dipped my head in embarrassment.

  I made it to lunch without running into him, which is a miracle, since our school is so small. I knew I couldn’t avoid him much longer. Groaning, I headed toward my locker where I knew he would be waiting.

  When I rounded the corner, there he was, leaning up against my locker, his back against it, legs crossed at the ankle and arms crossed over his chest pulling his button down shirt tight across his shoulders. If he hadn’t had that small, apologetic smile on his face, I would have thought he was mad, based on his stance. I slowly stepped in front of him. He dropped his arms and reached out for my hand.

  “Reese.” My name came out in a whisper. Almost as if he didn’t believe I was there. “I know I scared you yesterday, and I’ll never forgive myself for it. If I can’t forgive myself, I don’t expect you to forgive me, either. I don’t know how I will ever make it up to you. But I promise you, I will try. Every day I will try to earn your forgiveness.”

  I stood there staring at him. This was the guy I started dating. The caring guy. This was my Josh. I didn’t know what got into him, but I didn’t like that other guy. “I’m sorry I’ve ignored you. I just needed a little time.” I was proud of how strong my voice came out. I was not going to break down, again.

  “Come here.” He pulled me into his chest and I went. After a quick hug he released me. Smirking, he said, “No PDA, I know.”

  I laughed. “A hug is not so bad.” I snuggled back into his chest. Hugging, I can handle. Kissing in private, I can handle. It’s everything else I wish I didn’t have to. Handle.

  After lunch, I headed to sixth period. Just after the bell rang, I was called to the office. I worried that it may have something to do with Candice. I hadn’t seen her all day. Then again, I was hiding.

  I entered into the office through the library. As soon as I stepped through the door, I knew why I had been called in. On the secretary’s desk sat a dozen yellow roses. My favorite. Ms. Cynthia sat there, her nose in the bouquet, smelling my roses. When I cleared my throat, she spun around. “Reese, sorry honey, they just smell delightful. These, my dear, are for you. I must say you are one lucky little lady.”

  If she only knew why I was getting them. “Thank you, Ms. Cynthia.” She handed me my roses and her eyes lit with happiness for me. I went back out the same way I came in, opening the card as I went. What the heck was I supposed to do with these for two full periods? It’s not like I could carry them with me all day. Stopping in the library I sat them on the table and read my card.


  I am so sorry and this is just the beginning

  of me making it up to you.

  I love you forever,


  There may be some perks to him making it up to me, after all. I left the roses in the office with Ms. Cynthia, giving her permission to smell them all she wanted.

  At the end of the day, I went through the office and grabbed my flowers. I headed out the front door to where Josh was waiting to pick me up. We didn’t speak until he pulled up to my house.

  “I’m not coming in, today. I’ll give you some time and space. Call me tonight if you want.” Josh smiled, sadness still etched in his eyes.

  “Thank you.” I opened the door and slid out of his truck. “I appreciate it. I’ll call you after dinner.”

  Over the next few weeks, Josh took things slow and never pushed me. We spent afternoons together at my house with my sisters. Now that Cheer was over, I had to watch the girls until my parents got home. Monopoly and Yahtzee kept us busy. The days flew by. Josh sent flowers once a week– to my house, now that he figured out what a pain it was to get them at school. I continued to talk to Titus after Josh left at night and during class. I missed him more than I thought possible. Titus was able to spend time with Candice and said she was doing well and getting over what I had done to her.

  One day, in first period, she actually sat next to me again, and offered me a smile. I took it. It was a start. I wasn’t going to push her to forgive me. The Winter Formal was fast approaching and I wanted more than anything to go shopping with her, but, I knew we weren’t there, yet.

  The week before formal, I was dress shopping with my mom when we saw Candice and Cecilia shopping, too. They both looked at us and turned the other way, walking back out of the store. “I guess they haven’t forgiven us for interfering. I would be grateful if someone saved my daughter.” My mom commented.

  Before tears could fill my eyes, Mom pulled me quickly over to the dresses and handed me six to try on. Once I got into the dressing room, I scanned the dresses, picking my favorite and trying it on, first. My phone beeped and I felt the hope rise in my chest that it was Candice.

  Alex: Can u get Candice out after formal

  I could not believe the nerve of this guy. Because of him, my best friend wasn’t even talking to me and he has the nerve to ask me to help him meet her? I forwarded the text to Ty, knowing Candice wasn’t with him.

  Ty: What an ass. What did u tell him?

  Me: Nothing. What should I say?

  Ty: That because of him you two no longer talk, the asshole knows that

  Me: K

  Ty: Call u 2nite.

  “Reese, do you need help?”

  “No, I’m coming out.” I shimmied into the tight, short, aqua blue a-symmetrical dress.

  When I stepped out, mom’s eyes flashed with excitement. “It’s perfect. Look at your eyes.” She grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to look in the mirror. “The color brings the blue out and they look like the ocean. You’re so beautiful, Baby Girl.”

  I noticed Mom had tears in her eyes and she was dabbing the corners. “Thank you. I don’t think I need to try on anything else. I looked past us in the mirror and saw Candice holding up the exact same dress, staring at me.

  She wouldn’t wear the same dress. She might be mad at me, but she would never do that. We bought the dress and found a cute pair of strappy silver heels. Mom insisted we find something with some bling to put in my hair. And then we had to order Josh’s boutonniere.

bsp; When we got home, I finally decided to text Alex back.

  Me: She won’t talk to me and I wish you wouldn’t, either.

  I never heard anything back.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The morning of the Winter Formal, I talked to Titus and wished him luck keeping Candice at the dance. Mr. Warner had agreed to let her go, but only because she was going with Titus, and, because she promised to apologize to me. Apparently, she told her dad that she would forgive me at the dance and make the event that much more special for us both. Neither Titus nor I believed her. She had started hanging out with one of the pot-heads Brandi, and a few of her friends. I never saw her and don’t really know the pot-heads that well.

  I showered, blow-dried and straightened my hair. I pulled one side up with the blingy clip we’d bought and let the rest cascade down. It was finally in the middle of my back and once Mom touched up any slight curls, it would be perfect. I was terrified to do my make-up. Candice always did it for big events. I could do foundation, mascara and eyeliner, but that was about all.

  Sitting down on the toilet in my underwear, I put my head between my knees. I could feel a panic attack coming on and felt that I was going to hyperventilate. Mom found me a little bit later, gasping and talking to myself.

  “Honey, is everything okay?” She asked, as she slowly opened the bathroom door.

  Mumbling through my hands I answer, “No, I can’t do my make-up.”

  “Why didn’t you call me? I can help you.”

  “Candice always does it. Always has. I never needed to learn. But now…”

  “I know, Sweetie. Come on, Josh just got here.”

  “Oh no, am I late?”

  She shook her head and went to work on my eyes, and finished by painting my lips. “Here, make sure you keep this gloss in your clutch.” She kissed me on the cheek. “You look gorgeous. Go look in my full-length mirror once you have your dress on. I’ll let Josh know you’re about ready.”

  Josh was stunned for a second, his mouth dropped open and he didn’t say anything for a few moments. Finally, he got off the couch and adjusted his blazer and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. He walked toward me, his breath caught in his chest. He smiled his cocky grin and mouthed ‘damn’ but said, “Babe, you look breathtaking.” He reached for the clear box on the coffee table. “Here, I got you this corsage.” Opening the container, he pulled out a beautiful blue orchid, which matched his boutonniere.

  Candice and Titus found us at the dance, but pretty much ignored me. Actually, when Candice turned away Titus slipped me a waggle of his eyebrows and a heart stopping smile. My best guy friend was unbelievably hot and knew it. After the dinner and half way through the dancing, Candice disappeared. When Josh and I were headed out to the dance floor I noticed Titus searching the crowd.

  Candice came sauntering back to the dance floor from the bathroom. She walked up to Titus, grabbed his hand and headed off to the center of the dance floor, where she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her long silver dress clung to her curves. Her hair flowed down her back in thick curls. She looked beautiful. I wished I could go tell her; instead, I was wrapped up in Josh’s arms, swaying slowly to the song.

  His hands rested on my hips, at first. As the song continued, he slid his hands down lower, to the top of my bottom. He looked at me questionably, “Is this okay?” I nodded and nestled into his chest, caressing his neck with my fingertips.

  “You are so beautiful. Can we get out of here, soon?”

  “One more song?” I looked over his shoulder to see Titus looking at me. The look on his face was pure hatred. I knew he didn’t like Josh, but I didn’t understand how he could look at me like that.


  The anger that had been building and rolling in my gut skyrocketed and literally took my breath away when I saw Josh leading a gorgeous Reese into the Formal. Maybe it was the way Reese looked that took my breath away—she was so beautiful in the blue, fitted dress that matched her eyes. I waggled my eyebrows in approval and tossed a huge grin her way. I wanted so bad to walk over to her and take her away from that jerk.

  With Candice in my arms and Reese on my mind, we swayed to the beat of another slow song. I wanted more than anything to take Reese in my arms, nuzzle my nose in her hair and inhale her sweet, berry aroma. Instead, I twirl around the dance floor with Candice. Neither of us were where we wanted to be.

  The song ended and we walked side-by-side to our table, the furthest away from Reese and Josh. Still, I watched them talk and dance. He kept a hand on her at all times, her arm, back, shoulders, or waist. Never letting her out of his sight, he didn’t let her go anywhere without him. I just wanted to tell her how beautiful she was.

  “I’m going to the restroom. Don’t stare too hard, she may actually find out.” Candice cackled, a high-pitched laugh that grated my nerves.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Hurry back, Dear.” Leaning back in my chair, I stuck my legs out and crossed my ankles as well as my arms, over my chest. My eyes travelled again to Reese, she looked miserable. She watched him talking and having a great time with his friends. Rarely did he include her in their conversations.

  People were leaving as I watched her actually sway her hips and smile as she approached. The soft light made her hair glisten and added a sparkle to her dress and matching eyes, bringing out her natural beauty. I followed her eyes as they traveled up and down my body, a slow smile stretching her full lips. I smiled, raising my eyebrows at her, again. “You look beautiful, tonight.” I meant it.

  She made some compliment back, but I couldn’t stop watching her body move under the thin fabric, her curves accented by her dress. As I looked, admiringly, I saw the tell-tale goose-bumps cover her arms and chest. I followed the rise of them to find a blush creeping up her neck, and finally filling her cheeks with a rosy color.

  Reese swallowed and smoothed down her dress. My guess was her hands were sweating, just like mine. I knew I needed to tell her about Candice. I was sure that was why she had come over here, to find out where she was. I just didn’t want this moment to end. A guy could hope that his dream girl was into him, just as much as he was into her.

  “Candice went to the bathroom. I’m sure she’ll be right back.”

  “If you’re sure. Text me if you need my help.” She smiled at me before spinning around and heading outside to Josh.

  My eyes stayed on her backside as she sashayed away from me. Leaving me, and my insides, twisted and confused. Reese never threw her hips and ass into it when she walked, never. Why would she be doing it now, not only when she approached me but when she left also? This girl was driving me crazy.

  I waited ten more minutes, but Candice never showed. I thought about texting her, but I knew she didn’t have her phone. Her dad took it away over a month ago. I guess it was time for me to leave. No sense in waiting around for someone that wasn’t going to show.

  I was sure Candice would eventually show up at the party and then I could take her home, after inspecting her for new bruises or marks, of course. I didn’t need George getting mad at me. I was all she had, right now.

  I drove out to The Orchard where, once again, a huge fire was raging and music was blaring. I parked in my usual spot and headed into the cluster of people. Cliques were gathered, everywhere. To my surprise, every girl still had on their formal dresses, filling them with dirt and the smell of smoke. It wasn’t hard to spot Josh. The idiot was standing on an ice chest, slamming beers, as a group cheered him on. Reese sat on another ice chest, at the other side of the fire. She was searching the crowd, possibly for me or for Candice, but I wasn’t sure.

  Finally our eyes connected and I could see irritation in the way her forehead pinched together and her lips were pursed. Josh drinking and Candice not here, I thought. I knew she was passed irritation. She was pissed. Her hands sat in her lap, fingers laced and knuckles white. I lifted two fingers in a wave and tilted up the corner of my mouth. Wi
th tight lips she smiled back.

  I cruise the cliques searching for Candice or Alex. No sign of either of them and when I asked around, no one had seen either of them. It was still a couple hours before I had to have her back. I decided to relax and enjoy myself, at least for a little while.

  One of the freshman girls who had been flirting with me all year waltzed up, swaying a little, but nothing like Reese. No, I recognized it as an I’m-drunk-and-can’t-stand-still sway. She was cute enough, though. Her green eyes and red hair accented her petite body. She had no curves, though, nothing like Reese, I thought as I let my eyes glance over her body. I really wish I didn’t compare everyone to Reese.

  “Hiya Titus-s-s, having fun-n-n?” She slurred as she licked her bottom lip and kept her eyes on my lips.

  “Not yet, wanna help me out?” What the hell, my best friends are with their boyfriends, why not hook-up with this chick?

  “Hell, yeah,” she shouted, as she stepped into me and crushed her lips on mine.

  I left my eyes open, I wouldn’t get caught up in this kiss. It’s what she wants right now. But come tomorrow, when I want nothing to do with her, I’ll be no better than Alex or Josh. I pulled away. “I’m sorry. I can’t.” That’s when I saw Graham, leaning against Jonathon’s truck. He would know where Alex and Candice were. Even though he graduated, he and Alex were still really tight.

  I pushed through the groups of dancing and drinking kids to get across to Graham. He noticed me with a chin lift as I approached. “Hey, have you seen Alex or Candice?”

  “Yep, they are together right now. If you know what I mean.” He leaned against the truck arms crossed guarded, always guarded.

  I knew exactly what he meant. “Any idea where or if they are coming here?”